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At Atlanta Humane, we believe that pets are family. This belief drives us to create programs like our new Pets in Crisis Support Program, dedicated to ensuring that families in crisis can stay together, even when the unthinkable happens.

Coco’s story is a testament to the importance of this program. Watch her heartfelt reunion with her family and learn more about her story below.

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Coco is a loving dog whose family faced an unexpected crisis. When her owner had to take several months off from work to care for her mother, she lost her job, which led to eviction. The stress and uncertainty of the situation was compounded by the heart-wrenching decision of whether to surrender Coco permanently.

When Coco’s owner reached out to us, her heartfelt words left us deeply moved. She wrote:

“Every time I bring myself to thinking I will have to be without her forever is what breaks my heart the most. I constantly cry and worry about her, hoping that I can find her a place to live until I get my situation together for myself and my daughter. We love our dog with every bone in our body. We just need a little help at the moment.”

Through this program, we provided Coco with a temporary foster home, ensuring she was safe, loved, and well-cared for while her family worked to regain stability. For three months, Coco’s foster family showered her with affection, understanding the importance of their role as a “link in the chain” between crisis and reunion.

When her family was finally ready to welcome her back, the joy and relief were palpable.

Coco’s story is just one example of how our Pets in Crisis Support Program is making a difference. If you would like to learn more about this program and how you can help families in crisis stay together, please visit the program page.

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